The Middle of The Climb

The Middle of The Climb

We often hear about starting and finishing as being the most challenging part of a project and a goal. And while there is some truth in that, what about the middle?

If you pick up almost any book on my book shelf, you will likely find a bookmark in the middle. I started the book, made it to the middle, and put it down to finish some other day. Sometimes it’s absent-mindlessly while other times I got tired while reading it and had intentions of coming back to it, and never made it. Before we analyze the middle, let’s look to the start.

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Namaste, A New Journey Begins

Namaste, A New Journey Begins

If you had told me at the beginning of the year that I would be doing this, I would not have believed you. Action has propelled me forward in more ways than I thought possible. I am intimidated and excited about this journey. I know it will challenge and push me in ways beyond that I think I'm capable of. I am committed to seeing this through and completing my year of ACTION with a bang.

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