Invisalign-ing Patience - The Parallels between Orthodontics & Starting a Business

Invisalign-ing Patience - The Parallels between Orthodontics & Starting a Business

It was around this time that I had also started my business and was navigating the world of being my own boss and learning to charge for my services. I thought committing to a multi-year journey with my teeth was challenging. Starting my own business, however, there was no preparing me for this ride.

It’s one thing to enter into something knowing how long it will take; it’s another to enter into something blindly believing it’s going to happen right away.

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A Brief History of Transformation

A Brief History of Transformation

How often do you reflect on your journey and how far you’ve come?

Lately, it seems like experiences from my past are resurfacing. I’m back to living with my sister and her family after 3-4 years of living in other places. I’m back in Dallas where I left 2 years ago while starting my nomadic journey. I’ve reconnected with relationships in my life that took various turns in the past. I said ‘Yes’ to a retreat not knowing where the money is going to come, and trusting that it will.

While these experiences feel the same, they’re different because I’m not the same person I was 5, 3, or even 1 year ago.

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What Taking a Break from Social Media Taught Me

What Taking a Break from Social Media Taught Me

Last month, I went on a personal retreat in Colorado. It was a much needed time to be in nature and unplug from all of the craziness happening in this world. When I left on my journey, I didn’t really plan in advance to take a break from social media, it happened organically. I became more aware of why I was posting. I would stop and ask myself, “Is this post contributing to the greater good or am I posting just for likes and comments?”

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How Not Getting What I Wanted Freed Me

How Not Getting What I Wanted Freed Me

While I did not get what I wanted, I can now see the beauty in not getting it at this time. Had I gotten it, I may not have been present to these hard learned lessons. I wouldn’t have allowed myself the space to feel and be with my thoughts and emotions. And nothing is lost. I will continue with my project and pursue other ways to fund it.

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The Future of Not Knowing

The Future of Not Knowing

If you had told me a year ago that I would be in Dallas on the anniversary of my adventures into nomadic life, I probably would not have believed you. And if I could’ve seen that a year of gallivanting across the world would put me back where I started, I likely would’ve resisted it. I would’ve tried to alter my future so I could say that I was somewhere more exotic or doing some great adventure on my Nomadiversary.

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Harder to Forgive, Yourself

Harder to Forgive, Yourself

When it comes to forgiving yourself, you are extending grace to yourself. You are making a choice to end suffering by accepting what is and isn’t, and setting yourself free. And when it arises again, simply remind yourself of this. You did the best you could with the energy you had at the time.

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15 Things I’ve Learned in 2 Weeks of Solo Travel

15 Things I’ve Learned in 2 Weeks of Solo Travel

The thought of solo travel can be scary or not appealing to some. Many people can't even fathom the thought of going to a movie, concert, or restaurant by themselves. --"That seems so boring to me." "I would be so depressed sitting by myself." "I feel like everyone would be staring at me and feeling sorry for me."--those are some of the comments I've received from others when they hear I go to concerts or movies by myself. And when it comes to solo travel, fear is added in -- "What if something happens to you and no one is around?" "What if you get kidnapped or someone steals your wallet or passport?"--While those are valid concerns, they're also limiting views to a whole world of possibility and adventure. 

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See, And Be Seen

See, And Be Seen

When was the last time you shared with your full, open heart? And what was that experience like? Are you glad you took a chance and allowed yourself to be seen and known?

When you share with others, even when the truths or conversations are difficult to express, you are freeing yourself little by little from all you've been burying or holding within. This is when true healing begins. 

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