Lost (and Found) in Translation

Lost (and Found) in Translation

I have run into some interesting occurrences throughout this journey. And Google Translate is not always my friend. It botches translations and is not always accurate. But it does help me more than if I did not have it.

Colombia placed me in challenging situations of being lost and not knowing how to find my way, to dealing with the frustration of not being able to connect with people I meet—simply because we do not speak each other’s language.

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Stepping into my Power

Stepping into my Power

Being the youngest child of 4, it's no surprise that I like being the center of attention. When you have 3 older siblings, you're always vying for attention. And what's ironic is that while I like attention, I don't actually like when people get too close and see me for who I really am. So I like attention but from a distance. 

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15 Things I’ve Learned in 2 Weeks of Solo Travel

15 Things I’ve Learned in 2 Weeks of Solo Travel

The thought of solo travel can be scary or not appealing to some. Many people can't even fathom the thought of going to a movie, concert, or restaurant by themselves. --"That seems so boring to me." "I would be so depressed sitting by myself." "I feel like everyone would be staring at me and feeling sorry for me."--those are some of the comments I've received from others when they hear I go to concerts or movies by myself. And when it comes to solo travel, fear is added in -- "What if something happens to you and no one is around?" "What if you get kidnapped or someone steals your wallet or passport?"--While those are valid concerns, they're also limiting views to a whole world of possibility and adventure. 

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When to Jump

When to Jump

"Listen to the words playing inside you. Remember the person in the best position to decide something for you is YOU. No one else has the information that you have about yourself, your abilities, the talents that you might be hiding, the secrets that you have in your heart, or the experiences that have helped you or hindered you. Jumping is good. It’s euphoric; scary. But the Fear is outweighed by the joy of owning your own actions and taking responsibility." - When to Jump, Mike Lewis

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Journey to My Edge

Journey to My Edge

I pushed myself to the max during Yoga Teaching Training. My body, mind and soul transformed. I found both strength and heartache throughout the journey as we dug deeper and deeper into the meaning and philosophy of yoga. I shed many tears on and off my mat as I cracked open my heart and discovered so many truths (both hard and profound) about myself. And it only made me stronger. Suffice to say, I am not the same person that I was when starting this journey. 

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From Action to Bold Freedom

From Action to Bold Freedom

I remember beginning 2017 frustrated and tired of myself. I was tired of dreaming and not doing. I had always had big dreams for myself, but held back in so many ways. The voice inside my head would say "that's a nice dream, but you'll never do it", or "what if you fail or get stuck?" But something shifted in me, and I ignored that voice and chose Action for my word and intention for the year. 

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Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

Others May Not Understand, And That's Okay

How many times have you wanted to do something, but stopped yourself because someone asked you, "Why would you want to do that?" Others may not understand or think you are crazy for doing something spontaneous and nonsensical, and that's okay. I had so many people ask me, "But, Why??". Perhaps to them, it sounds ridiculous, terrifying, not fun, or just crazy. Listen to yourself and have fun anyway. 

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Namaste, A New Journey Begins

Namaste, A New Journey Begins

If you had told me at the beginning of the year that I would be doing this, I would not have believed you. Action has propelled me forward in more ways than I thought possible. I am intimidated and excited about this journey. I know it will challenge and push me in ways beyond that I think I'm capable of. I am committed to seeing this through and completing my year of ACTION with a bang.

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